Independent Testing

BASE ONE® Compared to AASHTO Guide for Design of Structures

The following charts contain test results obtained by American Engineering Testing Inc.,* Braun Intertec** and other independent testing labs. The test data average ranges were compiled from field test results conducted in multiple states with varying soil types and gradations.

The numbers used for the unstabilized base column for the resilient modulus and structural coefficient charts are taken from the AASHTO Guide for Design of Structures base course. Some states use a granular equivalency number for base material.

The data indicates that the stabilized base material shows a significant increase in material stiffness and strength compared to AASHTO standards for unstabilized base material. This is considered structurally effective in terms of stress distribution but yet not so stiff as to induce excessive shrinkage cracking distress. This explains why roads treated with BASE ONE® have greater strength and stability than roads that have not been treated with BASE ONE® ultimately providing you with a better performing roadway.

*American Engineering Testing, Inc. (AET) is an employee-owned corporation providing geotechnical, environmental, materials and forensics consulting and testing services to public and private sector clients in a broad spectrum of industries.

**For more than 50 years Braun Intertec has been an award winning engineering and testing firm providing geotechnical, environmental, pavement and testing solutions in the private, construction and government sectors.